When Island Estates has a mandatory evacuation due to potential flooding, The city of Clearwater will shutdown access to the bridges leading to the beach/islands. To allow residents and business personnel first access, they will need to obtain reentry passes. Below is information from Lt. Meg Hasty of the Clearwater Police department on ways to obtain reentry passes.
We have numerous events a year especially right before hurricane season begins. The county also hosts these but ours was in May at the Joe DiMaggio parking lot by BayCare Ball Park. I know you will have people say its too far away for beach residents to have attended but the space was needed because we had all sorts of emergency management vehicles there for the event as well as tents with people to speak with about hurricane preparedness. There was also a sandbag pick up with a huge line of cars. It was advertised in numerous places to include the news as well as social media. I have personally spoken about this at all the events I attend and have brought the passes with me to make it easier for folks to sign up. I’m sorry if people felt they were not informed of this. Maybe its something you can add to your website as you suggested.
As far as the process goes, you can request a pass online https://www.clearwaterpolice.org/Programs-and-Services/Barrier-Island-Re-Entry-Pass and it will be sent to you.
If you’d rather do it in person and walk away with your pass immediately, you can come to the main station at 645 Pierce St and do it at the front desk. You will need your ID and proof of ownership or lease for the beach property you are requesting the pass for. Each residence can get a maximum of 2 passes and business owners can get a maximum of 10 for their employees.
Note that having a pass does not allow you back on to the island at any time. It simply allows you priority access if after a bridge closure, there is a tiered opening.
-Lt. Meg Hasty-